Paper Flower Garland

September 1, 2011

Today you'll see a case of great minds think alike.  Or, maybe it's more like"some minds are great, and others try and keep up."  You'll see what I mean in a second.

Like Carlee, it's also birthday season in my house (we come from the same family, where summer is always birthday season).  To brighten up the house for the past few birthdays in my house, I made an easy paper flower garland.  This was a project that my four year old daughter and I did together.  My decoration isn't purely for birthdays, or long lasting, but it was a fun project for kids, and something that you can easily make to decorate for any occasion.

The idea for this quick project came from the Usborne book 50 Rainy Day Activities.  (It's a great little book kid's art book, by the way, as are most Usborne books).

To make your own paper flowers, you'll need to cut a bunch of circles from coloured paper in three different sizes.  My four-year-old helped with the tracing and a bit of the cutting.  Next you glue the flowers together - first big, then medium, then small.  This is a job toddlers and preschoolers can do on their own.  My daughter had a lot of fun mixing and matching colours.  Finally, you can add petals by cutting triangle shapes out of the big circles.  (Optional step: smear glitter glue all over the flowers.  If you are four, this step is essential!)

To hang, tape right to the wall, or tape to ribbon or strung across a window.  See - doesn't that look cheery?

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